AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

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wooden ladder reaching to a brilliant blue sky with fluffy white clouds

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Execute Intentionally

Up Leveling to Level Up - How Improving Yourself Improves Everything Else

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


What if I prioritized my time differently? What if I up-leveled my personal practices (meditation, yoga, journaling, downtime, healthy meals, and family/friends)? The intention of doing this was to see what difference, if any, this would make on my ability...continue >

Closeup of co-workers in a circle doing a fist bump

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Live Kreatively

Agreements vs Expectations - Consciously Committing

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Katrina Levy Zidel

Founder and Creation Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Expectations are built on the belief that something will happen in the future. They are used by everyone and can sometimes lead to outcomes ...continue >

Group of cheerful friends talking and drinking wine while dining in restaurant

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Live Kreatively

The Right Influence

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Katrina Levy Zidel

Founder and Creation Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


During a recent coaching session, a client shared with me the uncanny resemblance she noticed between herself and her daughter, a resemblanc...continue >

Hand holding a red cup filled with coffee overlooking a field at sunrise

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Execute Intentionally

Slowing Down: Expanding Your Field of Attention

Author's profile picture

Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Lately I have been paying more attention to my habits, how I move, and the thoughts that are associated with each movement. I tend to do th...continue >

Woman drawing on white board showing creative and analytical images

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Live Kreatively

Let Your Imagination Run Wild

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Katrina Levy Zidel

Founder and Creation Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Imagination is an extraordinary instrument that drives and shapes innovation through creative and constructive thinking. It allows you to e...continue >

Riding the Rails Exploring the Polar Express Steam Train Through the Snowy Mountains Generative AI

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Execute Intentionally

Believing in YOU!

Author's profile picture

Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


I was reminded of the power of believing while re-watching a long-time holiday favorite with my now grown daughters – The Polar Express! It ...continue >

Woman sitting in an office, with hands to temples, overthinking

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Live Kreatively

Overthinking: The Bane of Creativity

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Katrina Levy Zidel

Founder and Creation Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


At some point in our lives, we have all experienced a situation where our thinking crosses over into the realm of overthinking, which looks ...continue >

woman typing on laptop computer overlaid with clock image

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Execute Intentionally

Reclaiming Time

Author's profile picture

Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


When I ask, “What is your biggest challenge?” Nine times out of ten, the answer I hear is “Time.”...continue >

Close up of hourglass with sand flowing down. Blurred woman at laptop in background.

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Live Kreatively

Deadlines: The Ultimate Accountability Partner

Author's profile picture

Katrina Levy Zidel

Founder and Creation Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Deadlines are a point in time where a particular task or goal is expected to be completed. They serve as a marker that creates pressure in n...continue >

A team sitting around a chalk drawing of an arrow stuck in a bullseye

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Execute Intentionally

Expectations: Disappointment or Opportunity?

Author's profile picture

Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Expectations are something we all have; and they either reinforce or deteriorate our relationships. What we forget is that expectations are ...continue >

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Think the Unimaginable
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Do the Impractical
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Create What Doesn't Exist
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Willing to Fail, Committed to Succeed
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Identify. Define. Execute.
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Think the Unimaginable
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Do the Impractical
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Create What Doesn't Exist
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Willing to Fail, Committed to Succeed
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Identify. Define. Execute.