
I just wanted to tell you that I'm grateful and thankful for working together. It centers me, and brings my mind to present so that I can stay focused on what matters.


From our very first conversation to the International Women's Day event, Katrina has been inspiring and encouraging. Her presentation was insightful and impactful and reminded us that we are the creators of our reality. Katrina's guidance in 'understanding how to update our identity and who we really are' was invaluable, leaving students and faculty with a new awareness of improving our lives.


Before working with Kreating Boldly, I felt like I was in quicksand. I was deep in the process of grieving and was struggling with the life changes that come from loss. Now, I feel centered and grounded. I have not yet found my path, but I am comfortable with the uncertainty. I trust myself and I trust that everything is going to be ok.


So much progress forward. I feel like I have a better understanding about so much. Doing this work has been life changing.


I can't believe where we started to where we are now. I've grown so much with your guidance and I'm so grateful


I can't put into words how much you have inspired, motivated and moved me forward this past year! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You gave me the courage to believe in myself. You showed me that fear is simply an obstacle that I had set for myself and made true by believing it. You also taught me to believe in myself and what I want and to set an intention to say, 'yes' to me and so much more.


Thank you for encouraging me to think differently and to push myself and believe in myself.


This work has been very eye opening and profound. It has given me a totally new perspective. Thank you!


I have had the opportunity to use some of the new concepts I've learned while working with you and it's been truly life changing


I definitely think my voice and willingness to speak my truth is becoming one of my greatest attributes, I truly couldn't be where I am without you.


Kreating Boldly Logo
Think the Unimaginable
Kreating Boldly Logo
Do the Impractical
Kreating Boldly Logo
Create What Doesn't Exist
Kreating Boldly Logo
Willing to Fail, Committed to Succeed
Kreating Boldly Logo
Identify. Define. Execute.
Kreating Boldly Logo
Think the Unimaginable
Kreating Boldly Logo
Do the Impractical
Kreating Boldly Logo
Create What Doesn't Exist
Kreating Boldly Logo
Willing to Fail, Committed to Succeed
Kreating Boldly Logo
Identify. Define. Execute.