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AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

Live Kreatively

What is Courage and What is the Value in Practicing It?

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Katrina Levy Zidel

Founder and Creation Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


There was a theme that emerged in my coaching sessions last week that centered around courage and inspired me to highlight it as the AIM Forward topic this week.

What is courage & what is the value in practicing it?

COURAGE is a quality shown through a choice and a willingness to face something head on in spite of fear, difficulty, rejection, failure, uncertainty and the unknown. It is the ability to experience expansion by leading from your heart and allowing yourself to be completely and authentically seen and heard.

Here’s the best part...

COURAGE is available to everyone.
It can be accessed at anytime.
It never runs out. It can be developed through consistent practice.
It has unlimited value.

Courage takes YOU!

Here’s how you can practice developing courage:

  1. Acknowledge and face challenges, fears & difficulties you may be having. They can’t hide when you shine a light on them. They shrink away!
  2. Speak up for yourself & others whether it’s big or small. It doesn’t have to be confrontational, it does need to be clear.
  3. Live by your values and principles, they will remind you to stand up, even if it means you stand out. You will survive!
  4. Consider The Risks - consider what the worse case scenario for taking the risk could be & also consider what the worse case scenario could be for not taking the risk. Which one will you choose?
  5. Practice courage daily by welcoming uncertainty, rejection, failure, challenges, exposure and see what happens. By embracing these things you are no longer stay stuck, restricted, paralyzed or living through avoidance. It’s freeing!

The Benefits Of Practicing Courage:

  • Freedom
  • Happiness
  • Self Confidence
  • Self Worth
  • Increased Success
  • Influencing others to do the same
  • Complete Authenticity

What value will practicing courage bring you? Two people skydiving in freefall at sunset {768x432}

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