AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!
Live KreativelyDeciding vs. Committing
Deciding (shift in thinking) vs Committing (shift in being)
There is a significant distinction when it comes to the action of deciding vs committing and yet they are both necessary to reach a desired outcome.
We make decisions everyday, we decide all the time to do something or to not do something. A decision is a way of cutting off all other options, and having the freedom to create movement. A decision is a shift in what you are thinking.
Questions For Making Decisions:
- What is the problem needing to be solved?
- What goal am I trying to achieve by making this decision ?
- What is the decision I need to make right now?
- Do I have enough information to make the decision at this time?
- Am I ready to make a commitment with this decision?
A commitment is a pledge and an act of dedicating yourself to a person, purpose or course of action. It involves sincerity of decision and entails sacrifice and steadfastness toward its completion. A commitment is a shift in who you are being.
Questions For Making A Commitment:
- Where am I out of integrity with commitments to myself?
- Where am I over committing to others?
- Where am I avoiding a commitment and what is it costing me?
- What do I need to consider before making a commitment?
- What is one commitment I am willing to make today that would improve my life greatly?
- What is one thing I am willing to sacrifice to bind myself to this commitment?
Steps For Committing:
- Identify & acknowledge your commitment
- Write it down where you can see it & why it’s important
- Create a simple plan that is doable
- Create a deadline for completion & timeblock your working sessions
- Utilize resources and communicate help needed
- Commit to recommit each day
- Celebrate your progress and the completion of your commitment
I have decided…………
And My commitment is ……………...
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